ExxonMobil Gravenchon fuel refinery in France

Europe, Africa and Middle East

In Europe, Africa and the Middle East, we help you succeed by ensuring reliable supply through our refineries and terminals.

Our customers can also count on us as industry advocates. We are long-standing members of Eurobitume and have been recognized for our active engagement and participation for the last 50 years. Today, ExxonMobil actively participates in many industry committees that help shape and influence the industry in Europe on technical issues as well as health and safety questions. Find out how our experts can partner with your business when you contact us.

For more information about ExxonMobil’s asphalt solutions in Europe, please download our brochure here
Link to brochure


  • Notre-Dame de Gravenchon, France
  • Karlsruhe, Germany (joint venture)


  • Bergen, Norway

Supply locations:

Contact information

Europe, Africa, Middle East

ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical, BVBA
Hermeslaan 2
Machelen 1831
Belgium, Brussels

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