ExxonMobil’s EMF.5™ fuel continues to deliver outstanding performance and sulphur compliance | ExxonMobil Marine
- 3/9/2021

ExxonMobil’s EMF.5™ fuel continues to deliver outstanding performance and sulphur compliance
It has been more than a year since the launch of EMF.5™, ExxonMobil’s range of 0.50% sulphur fuels, specifically formulated to help ensure vessel operators safely and effectively comply with the IMO 2020 sulphur cap. We are pleased to announce that one year on, EMF.5 has zero proven claims against sulphur levels from customers.
Throughout the last 12 months, the industry has faced many challenges and the importance of compliance has not diminished. According to Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS), 3.10% of bunkered VLSFOs in 2020 were potentially non-compliant on sulphur content and as late as December 2020 this level was 5.10%. This indicates a clear need for the industry to continue improving and prioritising fuel sulphur compliance.
Throughout 2020, we are proud to confirm we have had no proven claims for sulphur on any deliveries of EMF.5 fuels. This confirms the quality and consistency of our product and reflects ExxonMobil’s commitment to helping vessel operators be fully compliant with regulations.
Click here for more information on EMF.5.