Will 2020 lead to simplified lubricant solutions?

94%* of vessel operators believe the 2020 0.5% global sulphur cap will have an impact on engine lubrication in some shape or form. The latest findings from our industry survey look at the effect on engine lubrication and abatement technologies.
Simple solutions
When asked how the global sulphur cap will impact engine lubrication, industry feeling was split. 36% of recipients believed vessels will simplify operations and only carry one cylinder oil. An additional 26% think more ultra-high BN cylinder oils will be developed for use with Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), while 23% were unclear on how the sulphur cap will affect lubrication.
On-board crews
The global 2020 sulphur will alter the marine landscape. Operators will need to manage changing lubricant requirements, new low-sulphur fuels and blends as well as the growth of LNG as a marine fuel. In light of this, 65% believed on-board crews would be prepared for the operational challenges the 2020 0.5% global sulphur cap will present.
Scrubber uptake
Although 45% of respondents predicted an increased investment in abatement technologies, only 11% said they would consider installing a scrubber before 2020. The lack of economic clarity in the lead up to 2020 was highlighted as the main reason for not investing in the technology.
*This data was gathered by ExxonMobil’s latest industry Pulse survey conducted in 2017.