ExxonMobil pioneers first accredited mass flow metering system in Hong Kong

ExxonMobil pioneers first accredited mass flow metering system in Hong Kong
ExxonMobil has introduced the first externally validated mass flow metering system (MFMS) in Hong Kong. The technology, which is uniquely accredited by Lloyd’s Register using the expertise of Metcore International and the National Metrology Centre of Singapore, helps operators achieve significant financial and resource savings of up to US $5,0001 and up to an estimated three hours per refuelling2.
The pioneering MFMS initiative provides many other potential benefits for the industry, including a transparent measurement reading by directly measuring fuel mass instead of volume, and a reduction in uncertainties related to variables including density and temperature. The seals used are also validated by independent parties to prevent any misuse of the system.
ExxonMobil was also the first supplier to receive accreditations by the Marine Port Authority (MPA) for its mass flow metering system in Singapore in June 2012. Today, all ExxonMobil fuel deliveries in Singapore are supplied via a fleet of barges equipped with the MPA-mandated MFMS.
Read more about the features and benefits of ExxonMobil’s Hong Kong MFMS here >
1Per 1,000MT stem size delivery at $300/MT. Includes surveyor costs, temperature delivery range and density delivery range, but does not include dip tank measurement errors. A temperature measurement delta of 10°C amounts for up to US $2,100. A 3kg/m³ density difference amounts for up to US $1,000. These variables can be avoided by the use of a secure mass flow metering system, therefore negating the need of a quantity surveyor with an estimated cost of up to US $2,000.
2Comparison versus manual tank dipping.