colombo epress ship at port

A cleaner engine and an end to cold corrosion thanks to Mobilgard™ 5100


Cold corrosion issues were resolved and a significant reduction in cylinder oil consumption was realised by switching the Colombo Express to Mobilgard™ 5100.

Following modification the Hyundai-MAN B&W 12K98ME engine of the container vessel Colombo Express started to suffer from cold corrosion. To address the problem ExxonMobil ran a field trial to monitor the performance of Mobilgard 5100, a 100 BN cylinder oil. On-board and laboratory analysis of scrape-down samples enabled engineers to gauge wear and optimise feed rates. During the tests the vessel ran at a slow-steaming pattern of 20 to 30 per cent load.

Scrape-down samples showed that cold corrosion was eliminated as a result of switching to Mobilgard 5100, while older black marks and carbon deposits were reduced. Sweep test findings also highlighted that Mobilgard 5100 performed well at minimum feed rates, realising a cost saving due to reduced lubricant consumption.

Find out how we can help optimise your vessel’s performance and reliability by contacting an ExxonMobil representative

This case study is based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used.