Hurricane Harvey Aid

Reflecting on Hurricane Harvey, One Year Later

September 2018 - When Hurricane Harvey made landfall last August, many had their world turned upside down. The unprecedented rainfall and subsequent flooding caused numerous challenges which directly impacted many of our own ExxonMobil colleagues and customers.

While the storm is past us, the hardships are still present for many. Our ExxonMobil Basestocks team continues to keep the memory of Houston’s solidarity and courage top of mind.

Now that another Atlantic hurricane season is upon us, we remain vigilant and are preparing for any situation that could have an impact on our operations.

Last year, our extensive planning and preparation efforts gave ExxonMobil the means to protect the infrastructure of the manufacturing plants in Texas, safely resume operations at our Baytown refinery, and rapidly return to supplying our customers.

Looking ahead, we will continue to develop and adjust product and logistics solutions – on both a local and global level – to counter any disruptions in service for our customers. We capture the insights from events such as Hurricane Harvey and reflect our learnings in future planning and preparation processes.

Meeting the needs of our customers is at the forefront of what we do. Last year the worst of Hurricane Harvey brought out the best of our people, and today, we remain committed to continuously improving our supply reliability standards. Our team is equipped with the passion, drive and dedication that customers can rely on – no matter what comes our way.

One year later, we’ve never been more proud to be a part of the Houston community – and your supplier of choice.

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