Ten years of thriving marine industry innovation
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the introduction of ExxonMobil Premium HDME 50™ fuel, a marine fuel formulated to meet the 2015 Emission Control Area (ECA) 0.10% sulphur limit. For the last decade it has been a go-to fuel for ECA compliance. As a result, we have bunkered more than 3.25 million metric tons of the ECA-compliant fuel in the Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp (ARA) region, an achievement we’re truly proud of.
The imminent introduction of the Mediterranean Sea ECA will see an increase in demand for ultra-low sulphur fuels and once again ExxonMobil Premium HDME 50™ fuel will be on hand to help ensure compliant vessel operations, proof of our ability to meet the ongoing needs of vessel operators.
New fuels and cylinder oils
The International Maritime Organization (IMO)1 remains at the heart of the sector’s transformation. Its ongoing ambition to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from international shipping has driven innovations in vessel operations, which in turn has ignited the development of new fuels and cylinder oils.
Our work with the National Transport Research Center (NTRC)2 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory continues to allow us to test a range of lower GHG emission alternatives, including bio marine fuel blends, which have already been successfully bunkered in Europe and AP regions3. This work centres on the use of a pioneering test engine, which mimics in miniature the conditions and operations of a full-size installation. This enables us to review novel fuel formulations, including biofuels, and lubricants in a controlled, scientific environment.
Join our voyage of innovation
ExxonMobil looks forward to bringing you our latest fuels developments as we assist in the energy transition. You can also stay up to date with ExxonMobil’s latest news by subscribing to our dedicated marine LinkedIn page. We have some exciting developments on the way and you won’t want to miss them.
To discover more about ExxonMobil Premium HDME 50™ fuel, click here.
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1 www.imo.org
2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Solving the Big Problems | ORNL
3 ExxonMobil and Tata NYK Shipping have completed a delivery of bio-based marine fuel oil in the port of Singapore
4 ExxonMobil has successfully completed two commercial bio-based marine fuel oil deliveries in the port of Singapore