A girl doing homework with her dog

Wax applications

As one of the largest producers of fully refined and slack waxes, ExxonMobil provides wax solutions across most industry applications. Our quality control, technical services and supply logistics all come together to create world-class services and products for our customers.
  • Person selling candles at a kiosk


    Encompassing container candles, votives, tea lights, pillar and taper candles, ExxonMobil candle wax is designed for high performance across applications.

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  • Man carrying a board


    Flexible wax composition ensures precise texture and rigidity in boardsizing for construction boards (OSB, MDF, PB) and more.

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  • Man installing PVC pipe

    Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

    Waxes are essential components in rigid PVC formulations, affecting processing conditions and product quality.

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  • Man taping a box shut

    Hot melt adhesives

    ExxonMobil wax is designed for optimal adhesion performance and low temperature flexibility in hot melt adhesives.

Other applications

Our product portfolio also expands into broader applications, including:
  • Blue water droplet representing wax emulsions

    Wax emulsions and blends

    Wax emulsions help create water-based formulations, including inks, paints, polishes and more.

  • Blue tire icon


    A layer of wax acts as a barrier on tires, protecting against road wear and tear.

  • Blue crayon icon


    Combined with color pigments, wax is molded to create colorful, bright crayons.

  • Blue cup icon

    Paper cup and package coatings

    Paper products and packaging treated with wax stay sturdy against grease and water.

  • Blue gypsum icon


    Wax emulsions provide water resistance to gypsum products.

  • Blue flame and logs icon


    In firelogs, wax acts as a fuel for more effective lighting and burning.